특허 및 논문 목록
(7) 헬멧장착 안전감지 레이더, 등록, 2024
(6) 독거노인 감지레이더, 등록, 2022
(5) 가축질환 모니터링 시스템, 등록, 2019
(4) 감지장치와 경보수단을 이용한 안전보행 시스템, 등록, 2018
(3) 안전감시 시스템, 등록, 2022
(2) 기술이전:대구경북과학기술원(DGIST): 노이즈 감소를 이용한 고성능 레이더 신호측정 기술, 2019
(1) 기술이전:한국전자통신연구원(ETRI): 밀리미터 레이더 신호처리기술, 2019
29. 딥러닝 기반 정형, 비정형 이미지에서의 결점 검출 성능 분석
2023년 한국임베디드공학회
이철희외 3인
28. YOLOv5 기반 딥러닝을 이용한 실시간 낙상 감지 시스템
2022년 한국디지털콘텐츠학회, 동상수상
윤정균, 기우석, 김재현, 전근민, 박우영, 김재수, 이철희
27. 카메라를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 낙상검출에 대한 연구
2022, 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회
박우영, 이철희, 김재수
26. 열화상/적외선 카메라와 레이더를 이용한 딥러닝기반 야생 멧돼지 인식에 대한 연구
2022, 한국통신학회
최두한, 옥승현, 이철희
25. 열화상카메라와 딥러닝을 이용한 농가피해 방지 시스템
2019, 한국정보통신학회
신승민, 이상훈, 최효선, 김승호, 이철희
(24) SCIE저널: 2015년: 공동저자:
Dong Sik Woo, Cherl-Hee Lee, Kang Wook Kim, Hyun-Chul Choi, An Octave bandwidth metamaterials-based hexagonal patch antenna. (2015), ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA 21: 44-47.
(23) SCI저널: 2015년: 제1저자:
Cherl-Hee Lee, Young Ki Cho, Heung-Sik Tae, YoHan Park, Surface plasmon polaritons of a symmetric metamaterial slab waveguide with a hollow core for fluid sensing. (2015), Journal of the Korean Physical Society 67: 663-667.
(22) SCI저널: 2015년: 제1저자:
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Yoong-Gu Kim, Jinung An, Enhanced bandwidth of a microstrip antenna using a parasitic mushroom-like metamaterial structure for multi-robot cooperative navigation. (2015) Journal of the Korean Physical Society 62: 3188-3191.
(21) SCI(E)저널: 2014년: 제1저자:
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Characteristics of a single I-shaped slitted zeroth order resonance mushroom antenna based on metamaterials, (2014) CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua 31, No. 2, pp. 147-156.
(20) 국내학진: 2013년: 공동저자
Kwang Taek Kim, Byeong Ha Lee, Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Fabrication and characterization of N by N plastic optical fiber stat coupler based on fused combining (2013) Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics 24: No. 1, pp. 17-22 .
(19) SCI(E)저널: 2012년: 교신저자
Jonghun Lee, Cherl-Hee Lee, Dispersion compensation in transmission using tilted chirped fiber Bragg grating pair, (2012) Electronics and Electrical Engineering 6: 125-128.
(18) SCIE저널: 2012년: 공동저자
Kwang Taek Kim, In Soo Kim, Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, A temperature-insensitive cladding-etched fiber Bragg grating using a liquid mixture with a negative thermo-optic coefficient, (2012) Sensors 12: 7886-7892.
(17) SCI(E)저널: 2012년: 제1저자
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Modal characteristics of five-layered slab waveguides with double-clad metamaterials, (2012) CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua 31, No. 2, pp. 147-156.
(16) SCIE저널: 2012년: 제1저자
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Jaehee Park, Kwang Taek Kim, Easy fabrication of long-period fiber grating by winding a wire around an optical fiber fixed to cylindrical rod, (2012) Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 54: 1937-1941.
(15) SCI저널: 2012년: 제1저자
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Enhancement of evanescent field of metamaterials-core slab waveguide using metamaterials-buffer layer, (2012) Optical Engineering 51: 084601-1~4.
(14) SCI저널: 2012년: 제1저자
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Ding-Sik Woo, Kang-Wook Kim, Design of the composirt rigth/left-handed transmission line unit-cell for the U-shaped mushroom ZOR antenna based on left-handed metamaterials. (2012) Journal of the Korean Physical Society 62: 3188-3191.
(13) SCI(E)저널: 2011년: 공동저자
Kwang Taek Kim, Boo Jeon Han, Min Kuk Kim, Young Ho Kim, Byeong Ha Lee, Kyung Jae Cho, Jong Woo Kim, Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, 4 × 4 Plastic Optical Fiber Star Coupler incorporated with a common polymer waveguide optical power distribution region, (2011) Fiber and Integrated Optics 30: 265-277.
(12) SCI(E)저널: 2011년: 공동저자
Kwang Taek Kim, Kyu Jing Cho, Kiegon Im, Se-Jong Baik, Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on a wet etched fused fiber coupler, (2011) IEEE Sensors Journal 11: 1568-1572.
(11) SCI(E)저널: 2011년: 제1저자
Cherl-Hee Lee, Min-Kuk Kim, Kwang Taek Kim, Jonghun Lee, Enhanced temperature sensitivity of fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor using thermal expansion of copper tube, (2011) Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 53: 1669-1671.
(10) SCI저널: 2011년: 제1저자
Cherl-Hee Lee, Jonghun Lee, Min-Kuk Kim, Kwang Taek Kim, Jonghun Lee, Characteristics of fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor using thermal strain of an external tube. (2011) Journal of the Korean Physical Society 59: 3188-3191.
(9) SCIE: Article: Enhanced temperature sensitivity of fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor using thermal expansion of copper tube
(8) SCI: Article: Optimization of the Buffer Layer of a Side-polished Fiber-slab Coupler Based on 3-D Alternating Direct Implicit Beam Propagation Method
(7) SCI: Article: Light-Coupling Characteristics of a Fiber-Slab Coupler Using a Buffer Layer Based on Coupled-Mode Theory
(6) SCIE: Article: Remote Monitoring of Abrupt Overflowing in Common Utility Duct Using Reflective Side-Polished Optical Fiber Submersion Sensor
(5) SCI: Article: Mode Analysis of a Tunable Side-Polished Optical Fiber Filter by a Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal Based on Coupled-Mode Theory
(4) Article: Reflection-type side-polished fiber submersion sensor using an optical fiber mirror in a manhole
(3) SCI: Article: Reflective Side-Polished Optical Fiber Submersion Sensor Using an Optical Fiber Mirror for Remote Sensing
(2) SCI: Article: Submersion Sensor with Side-Polished Fiber and Planar Waveguide in Manhole
(1) SCIE: Article: Tunable side‐polished optical fiber filter using the thermo‐sensitive characteristics of the polymer dispersed liquid crystal